NEW BUSINESS POTENTIALORINVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY-3,232FINISHEDSQ. FT.-HIGH INTENSITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT.ARARE OPPORTUNITY.TONS OF PARKING.An extremely viable business locationfor manyyears. Tremendous visibility. Aninvestment in this property can set you on your way to owning your own business in this primecommercial location, or provide future investment income.A true “multi-purpose”facility witha fullfinished spacebeneathwhich offers many different options for use. Conveniently located betweenRoanoke and Smith Mountain Lake, this opportunity allows the buyer to take full advantage of a hightraffic count on a busy main artery.Interested inan investment opportunity?Searching for affordablecommercial space to start your new business?Look no further than this versatile space. We lookforward to congratulating a new owner.
PLEASE READ: This property is being sold subject to seller confirmation of the highest bid. THIS IS NOT AN ABSOLUTE AUCTION. This property is being offered at LIVE AUCTION on July 30, 2019 at 2:00 pm, onsite at 634 Jubal Early Highway, Wirtz, VA. ONLINE BIDDING IS ALSO AVAILABLE now through JULY 29 at HOWEVER, THE HIGHEST ONLINE BID IS NOT THE WINNING BID. The highest online bid will be communicated to all live bidders at the live auction on July 30, and will be the opening bid. Online bidders MUST PLACE THEIR BEST AND FINAL OFFER ONLINE. ONLINE BIDDING WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE THE DAY OF THE LIVE AUCTION. If no live bid exceeds the online bid, the online bidder will be notified that he/she is the high bidder, and if the seller has agreed to accept the bid.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS forCOMMERCIALREAL ESTATE AUCTION730Jubal Early HighwayWirtz,Virginia24184Thank you for attending today’s auction.Good luck!All bidders mustregister acknowledging that they have read and agree to these“Terms and Conditions”of the sale as outlined prior to bidding.It is importantthat you familiarize yourself with the terms andconditions as all sales are final and irrevocable. The terms of sale are non-negotiable.Registration at theauction (online and/or in person) finalizes each bidder's agreement to the terms and conditions ofsale asstated in the Contract and its Addenda which are incorporated by reference into your bidding. Do not biduntil you have read the terms and conditions. Bidders may register online to bid on the specific propertyin question. There is no fee to register although a valid credit card will be required to verify identity andfunds. By bidding you are representing to FarmerAuctions("Agent" and/or "Auctioneer") and the sellerthat you have read and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions for this sale as stated herein. If youdo not agree with any of the terms and conditions statedDO NOT BIDor you will be bound by thoseterms and conditions. By bidding you agree to all disclosures.Bidder Registration:By registering and accepting a bidder number to participate in this auction, all biddersagree to abide by all of the Terms and Conditions of sale.Announcements:All announcements made the day of auction take precedence over any and all previouslywritten advertisements or any prior written or verbal terms of sale.Seller reserves the right to withdrawproperty from auction at any time.Auctioneer Rights:All decisions of the Auctioneer are final. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bidor bidder and has the right to accept back-up contracts the day of the sale. In case of a tie or disputed bid, theAuctioneer reserves the right to re-open the bidding to determine the highest bid and settle the disputed bid.This is at the sole discretion of the Auctioneer.