Legacy Raleigh/Summers County Family Collection - Russian Porcelain tea pots, Baby’s advertising plates, Chinese carved Jade figure, perfume bottles, Dresden figurines, cut glass, fine and costume jewelry, artwork, Heritage furniture, Horrock Ibbotson Cane fly fishing rod, office furniture and equipment, Persian rugs, sterling silver pieces, Victorian Satin glass Claret Jugs, Ship’s Captains Map Chest, 1999 Cadillac Seville, secretary’s cabinet, books, West Virginia historical items, cast iron figures, patio furniture, oak and marble buffet, kitchenware, tools and much more!
All shipping done by The Packaging Store of Roanoke, VA. Please call or email their offices to request quotes and to make arrangements for shipping.
Phone: 540-772-0999
Email: va203@gopackagingstore.com