An outstanding collection of fine and unique consignments recently submitted to our gallery.
Featuring: A wealth of gold jewelry- bracelets, earrings, rings, - an unbelievable 18k gold mesh purse valued at $5,000-7,000, quality editions of lithographic prints by artists such as Matisse, Chagall, Picasso, a large framed Andy Warhol “Marilyn Monroe “ in vibrant colors, Ibanez George Benson guitar, Martin D1 acoustic guitar, Henkel Harris cherry corner cupboard, 20th century original American and English art, stoneware, folk art, sterling silver services, hard to find HO scale trains, 19th century French Oudin clock, outstanding selection of original 19th century miniature portraits from the W. P. Henritze Collection of Mill Mountain, Virginia, assortment of vintage tube radios-many Bakelite case, pieces of Mosser vaseline glass, Zippo lighters, meerschaum pipes, sterling and vintage jewelry, retro statement lamps, vintage barware, and much more.