Featuring: Scarce Jacob Kunz Philadelphia percussion rifle, Harrisonburg, VA McGilvray rifle, model 1873 Winchester rifle, Carl Gustafson Stads Model 1896 Mauser rifle, Tula Russian SKS 1950R rifle, Winchester model 1890 rifle, Remington model 722 rifle, Remington Nylon 66 Apache Rifle, Mauser 1914 Pocket Pistol, Glock model 42 .380 pistol, S&W model 28-2 engraved revolver in .44 magnum, S&W model 686 revolver in .357 magnum, Ruger Red Hawk and Super Blackhawk revolvers, various calibers of ammunition, antique powder horns and flasks, Civil War era Bowie knives w/scabbards, fixed blade knives, large assortment of pocket knives, two 19th century leather “possibles” bags, 19th century flag or color bearer’s belts and so much MORE!Some truly nice items in this event.
All Federal Firearms laws and regulations, including background checks will apply to this auction. Shipping Options: The Packaging Store of Roanoke, VA. 540-772-0999 or va203@gopackagingstore.com. Shipping available to your local FFL for any out of state purchases.