The Bailey's were lifelong collectors of antiques and they also ran a large family farm for many years. This auction includes farm and excavating machinery, vehicles, large assortment of workshop tools, in addition to a large selection of antiques and collectibles. We are proud to have been entrusted to offer this collection.
Featuring: 2009 Range Rover HSE, Case Crawler excavator, Ford 400 and Ford 7710 farm tractors, misc. farm implements, TONS OF WORKSHOP TOOLS, pinball machine, milk bottles and other dairy related items, quilts, two gun safes, knives, ammunition and reloading equipment, several antique tractors for restoration, crocks and stoneware, primitive farm items, railroad items, local advertising, costume and fine jewelry, vintage glassware, antique furniture, collectible books, vintage Christmas items and an assortment of many other unique collectible items.